After Adoption

Bringing Home your Adopted Baby
In most cases, you will be able to bring your baby home directly from the hospital after he or she is discharged. It depends on the laws in the birthmother’s state and how far away you live from the hospital.
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Raising an Adopted Child
For the most part, raising an adopted child is no different from raising a biological child. There are a few differences, particularly when it comes to communicating with your child and allowing your child to establish his or her identity as an individual and as someone who was adopted.
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Bonding with Your Adopted Baby
All the waiting is worth it when you finally bring home your newest family member. You have made it this far, and now your focus shifts to learning how to bond with your baby. If you are feeling apprehensive about how to start the process, you’re not alone. This is a concern of many adoptive parents. Here are a few tips for bonding with your adopted baby.
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Communicating with Your Birthmother
Each adoption is incredibly unique. The level of openness and ways to communicate with your child’s birthmother after the placement depend highly on your individual arrangements, preferences, and feelings.
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Helping Your Child Adjust to a New Baby
Parents who are adopting a baby and already have an older child at home need to make sure they do everything they can to help their older child adjust to the new baby. It’s completely natural for your older child to be jealous and/or act out when a new sibling arrives. Here are some tips on helping your older child adjust to a new baby.
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