Adoption is a journey that looks different for every adoptive family. For those hoping to adopt a baby, opportunities may present themselves that sometimes change what that lifelong dream looks like for the better. The chance to adopt multiple children, whether it’s adopting newborn twins or a sibling group, is one of those opportunities.
For prospective parents who are open to the idea of adopting multiples, there are slight differences in the adoption process to prepare for. Our guide will outline these differences, as well as highlight the love, joy, and benefits of growing your family with twins or sibling groups.
Adopting Newborn Twins: What You Need to Know
It’s estimated that one out of every 250 pregnancies results in twins. While adopting newborn twins isn’t necessarily common, adoption situations involving twins or sibling groups do come up from time to time. Prospective parents who work with LifeLong Adoptions will be asked if they are open to the possibility of adopting multiples or not. How parents answer will inform our team on whether or not to present them for these situations, should they arise.
For those families who are open to adopting multiples, there are some differences in the adoption process to be on the lookout for.
Ready to Start Your Adoption Journey?
Your Home Study Should Reflect Your Decision
For every adoption, prospective parents must successfully complete an adoption home study. Required by every state, this process takes several months and involves multiple interviews and home visits conducted by a social worker. The goal is to determine whether prospective families — be they adoptive single parents, couples, throuples, married spouses, or any other combination — are emotionally, physically, and financially ready to adopt. Once completed, prospective parents are legally approved to adopt.
For parents who are open to adopting multiples, their completed home study report should indicate that they are approved to adopt more than one child. To accomplish this, parents must discuss this with the social worker handling their home study.
The Differences and Benefits of Adopting Newborn Twins
For adoptive families who are presented with the wonderful opportunity of adopting newborn twins, there are only a handful of differences that come into play. Prospective parents can expect the following changes and benefits:
Special attention and consideration: As mentioned above, to legally move forward with adopting newborn twins, prospective parents must have a completed home study indicating that they can adopt multiples. Social workers handling the home study may require additional information or steps. This extra attention and consideration is meant to ensure a solid foundation of love and care between adoptive parents and children.
The legal process looks different: Though adopting newborn twins follows a similar structure as adopting a single child, each twin’s needs must be considered on an individual basis. This means that certain paperwork must be completed and filed separately. As a result, prospective parents can anticipate additional paperwork and slightly higher fees when adopting newborn twins.
Your foundation of love, joy, and bonding is amplified: When you welcome newborn twins into your family, you’re doubling up on the opportunity for love, family bonding, and new adventures. As your little ones grow, each will develop their own personalities, and all of those special moments in a child’s development that parents look forward to will be amplified.
Friends for life: One of the most beautiful benefits of having siblings is that it allows parents to watch the developing bond between their little ones. As twins grow, so too will their relationship with the world around them and each other. Parents who have the opportunity to adopt newborn twins get to be there for all of those important milestones in their children’s lifelong friendship.
An unexpected blessing: The opportunity to adopt newborn twins isn’t common, and prospective parents open to it are opening themselves up to an unexpected blessing few get to enjoy. Adopting multiple members to the family is that rare, special opportunity that parents cherish forever.
How Much Does It Cost to Adopt Twins?
There is no set amount, as fees and average costs of adoption can vary. However, adoptive families can anticipate a higher amount compared with adopting a single child. Certain fees, like birth certificates and SSNs are paid per child, but more often than not, these additional costs don’t amount to any meaningful increase in adoption costs. In fact, many adoption service providers go out of their way to keep additional costs and expenses minimal, working hand-in-hand with parents on their journey to fulfilling a lifelong dream.
Adopting Multiples: Sibling Groups
Now and then, prospective parents who are open to adopting multiples may be offered the opportunity to adopt a group of siblings of varying ages. These groups are commonly referred to as “sibling groups,” and like twins, are typically placed together. Also like the process of newborn twins, adopting sibling groups requires prior home study approval from a social worker. For those parents who have a completed home study that allows them to adopt multiples, sibling groups can be a wonderful way to grow their family.
The adoption journey is often a long one, but it can be full of unexpected surprises as well. For prospective parents who are open to the idea of adopting multiples, they should let their adoption service provider know. Doing so can open up a whole new world of love, bonding, and opportunity.
At LifeLong Adoptions, we specialize in helping adoptive parents achieve their dreams of starting a family. For any questions about adoption, the process, or resources, please contact us. Our helpful team members will be happy to provide guidance and resources in any way that they can.