Single Parent Adoption Services
Whether your definition of "single" is in a relationship but unmarried or single and not in a relationship, you have options when it comes to your single parent adoption. Read a Single Parent's Adoption Story »
Years ago, if you had gone to an adoption agency as a single person and applied to adopt a baby, you would have been turned down. Unfortunately, it just wasn't done. In fact, there were even laws against single parent adoption in some states. Now, thousands of children in the United States are living with single men and women who have chosen to become parents and provide a loving home for a child.
Is it Harder for a Single Parent to Adopt?
Whether you’re adopting as a single woman, single man, or non-binary single parent at LifeLong Adoptions, we firmly believe everyone deserves a chance to grow their family — equally. Our single parent adoption process is no different than our processes for any other prospective families, as we do not discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, or otherwise.
Single Parent Adoption Requirements
Adoption for single mothers and single fathers comes with the same requirements as adoption for any other family type. Prospective parents need to be of legal age and must complete an adoption home study by a licensed agency or social worker to be legally approved to adopt. As a prospective parent, you can request free newborn adoption information to learn more about the process, requirements, FAQs, working with birthparents, and more.
Can a Single Parent Who is Gay, Lesbian, or LGBT Adopt?
LGBT, Lesbian, or gay single parent adoption is no different than heteronormative single parent adoption. Regardless of orientation, the process is the same. At LifeLong Adoptions, we’ve found that birthmothers are welcoming of the opportunity to place their children with caring and loving prospective parents who can offer a stable home and a bright future.
Helpful Tips for Single Parents
Whether adopting as a single man, single woman, or as a couple, all adoptive parents have challenges to overcome. These helpful tips can set prospective parents up for success as they navigate the adoption process.
- Have a healthy support system — All parents need support, and for single mothers and fathers, having a strong support system is even more critical. Think about your family and friends, and consider who would be able and willing to help you provide for your child. For example, who could you trust to come over and help out when you or your child is sick, provide childcare assistance, or even serve as your child’s guardian if needed? Even though you are a single parent, when armed with a solid support system, you won’t be raising your child alone.
- Establish a healthy work/life balance — As a single parent, you’ll likely be working in conjunction with raising your child. Consider your current work schedule as well as your future career goals. Does your employer offer a healthy work-life balance? What about health and/or adoption benefits?
- Plan for Emergencies & Schedule Changes — As a working single parent, think about how you will handle childcare while you’re at work, after-school care, medical care and emergencies, job-related travel, your child’s sporting events and activities, and other life events. Be sure you have a thorough plan in place for after you bring your new baby home and a general idea of what you’ll do as your child gets older.
- Prepare for Additional Expenses — With the availability of adoption subsidies in almost every state, personal finances have become less of an issue; however, it is important to ensure you’ll be able to financially support a child beyond the cost of adoption itself. Build up savings for emergencies, like unexpected childcare or medical expenses, as well as enough income to comfortably support your newest family member.
Always remember, the single parent adoption journey, like any other adoption journey, comes with its own set of challenges. It may be hard work, but the difficulties that come along with raising a child as a single parent are far outweighed by the dream come true of being a parent.