Caleb & Zach

Caleb and Zach our adoption story

Deciding to Adopt

We always knew we wanted to have children and as we talked about building a family, adoption felt like the perfect way to fulfill that dream. Once we decided to move forward with our plans, the world was in a state of uncertainty, and we felt unsure of how and where to begin.

Caleb, being a meticulous researcher, looked into various adoption options and discovered LifeLong Adoptions. After looking into it a bit more, we felt that LifeLong was uniquely equipped to help a family like ours, which gave us the confidence to start our adoption journey.

The Adoption Journey Begins

Starting the adoption process was an emotional rollercoaster for us. We felt a mix of excitement, anxiety, and uncertainty about all the unknowns of adoption. However, LifeLong’s support was a constant source of reassurance.

We were lucky enough to communicate with multiple expectant mothers, and we learned valuable lessons with each interaction. The whole process had its share of challenges, but LifeLong was always there to guide us through it, helping us feel more prepared and supported.

Support from Family & Friends

When we shared our decision to adopt with family and friends, we were met with overwhelming support. Our loved ones were just as excited as we were, and our family rallied around us throughout the journey.

At our baby shower, we were surrounded by a room filled with people who came to celebrate and support us. That showed us just how loved we were as we prepared to welcome a child into their family.

The Ups & Downs of Finding the Right Opportunity

Our adoption journey wasn’t always smooth. Our first opportunity came when an expectant mother chose us after viewing our profile. We talked for a while and formed a connection, but after giving birth, she changed her mind about the adoption plan and decided to parent her child. While this was difficult for us, we respected her choice and remained hopeful about future opportunities. Our next connection was with an expectant mother who ultimately chose to move forward with a different LifeLong family she was communicating with.

Then, a month later, we met our son’s birthmother. Her first text to us read, “I make magical babies.” She had placed two children for adoption before. She immediately connected with us, particularly because we shared a background of overcoming addiction. Zach offered her support from his own experiences. Soon after, she gave birth to our son, Lawson, leading to a joyful yet unexpected experience for both of us.

“As with any worthwhile Adventure, challenges and opportunities, abounded, but the view from the top made it all worth it.”
-Caleb & Zach
Meeting Our Son & Moving Forward

The call about our baby’s birth came suddenly. Zach rushed to catch a flight while Caleb handled things at home. When Zach arrived at the hospital, he was greeted by the sight of our newborn son hooked up to wires in the NICU, detoxing. Despite the emotional weight of the moment, the hospital staff was incredibly supportive.

On the drive to meet Lawson, Caleb was involved in a minor accident, but everyone was okay. In fact, the other driver involved in the accident shared his excitement about meeting his new baby for the first time. When Caleb finally arrived at the hospital, it was a deeply emotional moment. Walking into the NICU and seeing our son for the first time, Caleb was overwhelmed with love. In that instant, he realized that someone he had just met had become his entire world.

Our relationship with Lawson’s birthmother continues to grow, though we haven’t yet visited her in person. We hope to support her recovery and eventually introduce her to Lawson.

Everything Always Works Out

The adoption process wasn’t without its challenges. We quickly learned that there’s no way to fully prepare for the emotional ups and downs that come with adoption. Connecting with expectant mothers, dealing with heartbreak, and not having all the information upfront were all part of the journey. The emotional toll was hard to bear at times, but we kept pushing forward.

One of the ways we managed to get through the long wait was by advocating for ourselves. At the one-year mark of our adoption journey, we created a video to share our story and profile, which helped keep our adoption process moving forward.

Looking back, we wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. We learned so much about ourselves and about the adoption process. Despite the challenges, we are grateful for the entire journey.

Our advice for other adoptive parents is to trust your instincts and fully embrace the process. Support each other and give yourselves permission to fall apart when needed. Protect the space between you and your partner, and allow each other to experience the process in your own way. We also encourage families to ask friends and loved ones to check in with them throughout the process. Having a strong support system is key to getting through the journey.

Our adoption journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth every moment. We now have our beautiful son, Lawson, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the love and support we received along the way.


Whether an LGBT couple, traditional parents or a single individual, we believe every child deserves a LifeLong family.
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