dear expectant mother
Dear Expectant Mother,
Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. We can’t begin to imagine what you are going through or the emotions you are feeling. And we are profoundly grateful that you are considering us as a family for your baby. They will be raised in a house full of delight and joy, and they will be the joy and delight of every day.
We want to assure you that your baby will be surrounded by love and opportunity. We are so excited to hold and nurture them, read them stories, play with them, and help them discover and explore their world. We will offer them adventures and travel, good food, and the support to pursue their gifts and talents. We will teach them the value of education and give them the opportunity to go to college.
We want to offer the experiences we enjoyed as kids, from camping to spending time with grandparents, playing in the ocean, or getting messy in the kitchen. We’re excited to discover new things to enjoy together as a family. We will value the culture your baby comes from and will include that culture in our life as a family. We promise to be there through the hard times as well as the good and to love them with all we are.