Our adoption profile

Patricia & Justin

Family Type: Heterosexual Couple
State We live in: Ohio

dear expectant mother

Hello there!

First of all, we want to thank you for making the brave decision to consider adoption. We know it’s not an easy one to make. We are excited to potentially add to our family, and thanks to you, our dream could become our reality. If we are chosen, we will do our best to help raise and guide this baby to become the best version of themselves and to make a positive impact in the world. Thank you for trusting us.

This baby is already so loved by all of our close friends and family. He or she will grow up with so much love and support!

Our hearts are filled with empathy, understanding, and profound respect for your decision to consider adoption. It takes tremendous strength to prioritize the well-being and future of a child, even when faced with challenging circumstances. We want you to know we hold no judgment or assumptions regarding your decision. Your choice reflects the immense love you have for your child as well as your desire to provide them with the best opportunities in life. We admire your courage and selflessness, and we want to assure you that your child will always be loved in our care.

With sincere gratitude,
Justin and Tricia

If we are chosen, we will do our best to help raise and guide this baby to become the best version of themselves and to make a positive impact in the world.

-Patricia & Justin

About Us

Hello! We are Justin and Tricia! Justin is fun, energetic, and extroverted. Tricia is kind, a homebody, and more introverted. Justin works remotely as a software developer for a tech company, and Tricia works remotely in office administration for a pediatric therapy company. We also have our own e-commerce-based business; our careers are so different from each other that this is something we love to work on together. Through our business associations, we have some very positive relationships with several people who have become more like family to us. We are looking forward to our children growing up together. Our interests include staying active (Tricia likes hiking, and Justin likes racquetball), walking our dog, reading together, playing board games, and spending time with family and friends. We also make sure to schedule a weekly date night to make sure we’re getting the time we need together.

Our Home & Pets

We live in Ohio in a four-bedroom, two-story home with a basement. We have a fenced-in backyard. We live very close to several parks, and one is even within walking distance! We live conveniently close to a lot of shopping centers, restaurants, and gyms but in a neighborhood with a small-town feel. We also have a dog, Jax, and a dog, Thor, whom we love so much. They are so excited to be big brothers!

Our Extended Family

We have large extended families with 30-plus cousins between both of us. We have two nieces and a nephew on Justin’s side and a newborn niece on Tricia’s side! Tricia has three siblings (two brothers and a sister), and Justin has a sister, a half-brother, and five step-siblings consisting of three girls and two boys.

We spend a lot of time with Tricia’s mom and sister, and we get together with the rest of the family occasionally and for most holidays. We also spend a lot of time with Justin’s mom and stepdad, sister, and dad. We always spend the holidays with them as well. On Justin’s side, we participate in a white elephant gift exchange each year. With Tricia’s mom, we do a game and Christmas cookie decorating contest each year! Our family always has a blast with these traditions!

What Led Us To Adoption

We have always felt called to adopt. It’s something we talked about and agreed on while we were just dating. Through her work, Tricia has seen many touching adoption stories through the years and has a cousin who had an adoption journey that really impacted us and fueled our desire to start our family through adoption. We have been trying to start a biological family for a few years now but have always felt called to adopt. We’re so excited to start our family that way!

more about Patricia

more about Patricia

Credentialing Specialist
High school diploma
Mexican cuisine
The Greatest Showman
Favorite Tradition:
Cookie decorating contest
Cross country
4th of July
Music Group:
The Piano Guys
TV Show:
The Chosen
Chop Wood Carry Water
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:

more about Justin

more about Justin

Software developer
College degree
Favorite Tradition:
White elephant
Music Group:
TV Show:
The Chosen
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:

Contact Patricia & Justin

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