Our adoption profile

Mitch & Jesus

Family Type: Gay Couple
State We live in: Wisconsin

dear expectant mother

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about our life together. While we are filled with excitement and anticipation, we know this is an incredibly difficult and complicated decision for you. We respect you and the decision you are considering for your child.

We hope to convey how excited we are to be dads! We can’t wait to watch our future children experience the world for the first time, form their own personalities, and develop their own passions. Mitch is especially excited for bedtime stories and sharing his love for nature. Jesus looks forward to movie nights and our first camping trip together. We’re ready to navigate all the ups and downs that come with fatherhood.

As parents, we promise to provide a home and childhood full of support, fun, and opportunity. We want to instill in your child a sense of curiosity, confidence, and empathy. Your child will experience summer camping trips, family vacations, game nights, weekends up north at the lake, and a family full of cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles all thrilled to welcome another child into the family.

We would be forever grateful for the gift you would give us by making us dads. Your child will always know you as loving and brave. We will respect whatever level of openness makes you comfortable. Our love for your child will be boundless. We hope you consider us as parents for your child, but no matter who or what you choose, we wish the best for you and your baby.

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We hope you consider us as parents for your child, but no matter who or what you choose, we wish the best for you and your baby.

-Mitch & Jesus

About Us

We met on a dating app over five years ago and knew right away we had found someone special. We make a great team and balance one another. Jesus is outgoing, organized, and caring. Mitch is compassionate, quick-witted, and optimistic. Together, we love taking camping trips, traveling, and tackling home projects. We also love a quiet night at home snuggled on the couch watching a movie. Mitch is a veterinarian at an emergency hospital where he enjoys making a difference for animals and their families. His job provides great work–life balance. Jesus teaches communication courses at a nearby university and loves seeing his students grow. He enjoys the flexibility of teaching in person and virtually. Mitch knows Jesus will be a great dad because he will encourage our kids’ passions, and he will always make sure our children are safe. Jesus knows Mitch will be a great dad because he is nurturing and patient.

Our Home & Pets

We live in a charming small town outside a growing, progressive Midwestern city known for its university, parks, lakes, and restaurants. Our house is on a quiet, dead-end street in an established neighborhood. It’s a four-bedroom ranch, and we fell in love with this house because we knew it would be perfect for kids. A future swimming pool and swing set will fit perfectly in our ¾-acre yard full of mature trees. We have a five-year-old cockapoo, River. We might be biased, but River really is the perfect dog (and as a veterinarian, Mitch would know!). He loves people and is most happy snuggling with a blanket on the couch next to us. River will be such a loving companion to your child. They’ll have a living teddy bear to snuggle with.

Our Extended Family

Family is very important to us. Mitch has a younger sister and brother, and we are all close. His parents have been married for nearly 30 years. They live in the house Mitch grew up in, less than an hour from our current home. We get together frequently for cookouts, game nights, and holidays. We love spending time with our nephew. Mitch is close to his cousins, aunts, and uncles. His family has generations of memories at a family lake home where we enjoy boating and swimming, which we can’t wait to share with your child.

Jesus grew up with his grandma, and they talk almost every day. He has a younger brother who will be a great uncle. His extended family is large and known for rambunctious get-togethers and passion for conversation. His great-uncle officiated our wedding last year. His grandpa loves camping and the outdoors, and he helped pass this down to Jesus.

Your child will grow up surrounded by supportive extended families who will love them unconditionally. They will be spoiled by their grandparents (and great-grandparents), who cannot wait for another grandchild. New cousins join the family every year, and your child will have best friends for life. While our children will have two dads, they will grow up with aunts, grandmas, and cousins as strong female role models.

What Led Us To Adoption

Soon after we met, we knew we wanted to be dads. Biology has informed us we can’t have a child on our own, and adoption always seemed like the right way to build our family. Jesus was formally adopted by his great-uncle, a role model in his life, and Mitch has extended family who have adopted; we have both seen how adoption creates a loving family. We know we can provide a loving and healthy childhood full of opportunity for a child. We hope we can convey why we are excited and ready to be dads by providing a glimpse into our lives. We are also excited to get to know you, and we are grateful for you considering us as parents.

more about Mitch

more about Mitch

Raised Lutheran
Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine
Italian, Mexican
Bird-watching, working out
Favorite Tradition:
Annual family camping trip
Summer Olympics
Music Group:
Taylor Swift
TV Show:
Schitt’s Creek, White Lotus
Remarkably Bright Creatures
Subject in School:
Biology, history
Dream Vacation:
Mediterranean cruise

more about Jesus

more about Jesus

University Instructor
Raised Catholic
Master of Arts, Communication
Harry Potter
Favorite Tradition:
Annual family camping trip
Fourth of July
Music Group:
Shania Twain, Prince
TV Show:
The X Files
Team of Rivals
Subject in School:
Dream Vacation:

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