dear expectant mother
We would like to first thank you for this amazing gift of life you are selflessly bringing into this world. We commend you for embarking on this journey and are so appreciative for your consideration of us to raise your miracle child. We cannot imagine all the feelings you have going on but are very thankful you took the time to look at our profile.
We have dreamed of the opportunity to raise a child from the moment we met twelve years ago. We have spent over a decade getting to know each other and truly working on building a solid foundation to bring a child into our life. If you choose us to be your child’s adoptive parents, we promise to give them a life filled with acceptance, unwavering support, and life experiences. We cannot wait to grow our family and incorporate existing traditions while making new ones. Showing them all of the love and support they deserve, we also look forward to experiencing new journeys with them.
Lastly, we would like to thank you for taking the time to consider us to raise your child. We know this decision was not made lightly, and we promise to always celebrate our child’s adoption journey and keep the story special.