Though attitudes around LGBT adoption have changed for the better in recent years, there are still prevailing assumptions and beliefs that question LGBT adoption as an option.
The reality is that same-sex or LGBT adoptive parents can and do offer the same safe, stable environment and unconditional love and compassion that any other adoptive parents offer. In fact, there are many unexpected benefits of LGBT adoption that should be considered.
Complete Your Free Adoption ApplicationAt LifeLong Adoptions, We’re Here For You
Since 2011, LifeLong Adoptions has been a leader in LGBT adoption services, helping to connect adoptive parents with birthmothers and fulfill dreams of parenthood through the miracle of newborn adoption. Our success isn’t predicated solely on our compassionate staff and expert knowledge of the adoption process, it’s in our company mission. At LifeLong Adoptions, we firmly believe everyone deserves a chance to grow their family through adoption. As a result, we accept applications from any kind of family hoping to adopt a baby, including single parents, couples, throuples, and any other type. We’re committed to inclusivity, and we work with hopeful parents of all backgrounds, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, or otherwise.
Adoption Advantages of LGBT Families
There are many benefits of LGBT adoption, some of which are more evident than others. One of the biggest advantages is for birthparents, as LGBT adoption opens up even more opportunities for finding a meaningful connection with a family. Birthparents who are open to connecting with LGBT adoptive parents are opening themselves up to an increasing number of loving and caring homes that can offer stability and the best chance at a possible future for their children. As attitudes around LGBT adoption continue to change, this advantage of LGBT families will continue to grow, offering even more incredible opportunities for children to grow up in safe and secure environments.
As with all of our prospective families, LGBT adoptive parents must meet our adoption requirements and be legally approved to adopt before moving forward with the process. This includes proving that they are financially and emotionally ready to adopt by successfully completing an adoption home study.

"The joy we get to experience through Ian every day is a reward in itself. It seems like every day Ian is learning something new. It’s amazing to experience his journey."
- Kevin & Craig

Benefits of LGBT Adoption for Children
Statistically speaking, children of LGBT adoptive parents achieve and develop at the same level as children of heteronormative parents. It’s important to highlight this point, as there are still assumptions out there that falsely claim otherwise. The list below illuminates some of the unexpected benefits of LGBT adoption that birthparents and families should consider.
Children of LGBT parents are often more tolerant. LGBT parents have a strong understanding of diversity and how differences among people can make them stronger. As a result, children raised by LGBT adoptive parents tend to be more tolerant and willing to strive for equality, regardless of background. They recognize differences earlier on, displaying acceptance for others who may look or act differently.
Children of LGBT parents are quicker to engage with community members of other backgrounds. Because they have been raised to be more tolerant and accepting of differences, children of LGBT adoptive parents are often faster to engage and build relationships with those of a diverse background. Not only is this important for the development of a child, but it can lead to stronger communities and a more prevailing, accepting attitude in society.
Children of LGBT parents advocate for and celebrate others. Lastly, children raised by LGBT adoptive parents are already familiar with not only accepting diversity but advocating for it and celebrating it as well! They can make others feel welcome by encouraging the celebration of diversity through advocacy for cultural holidays, events, and more. This can positively impact the environment around children of LGBT adoptive parents with their willingness to make others feel supported and welcome.
Are There Disadvantages of LGBT Adoption?
There are resources out there that try to speak to LGBT family advantages and disadvantages, but these resources are often misleading. Generally speaking, there are no proven or valid, data-driven concerns with LGBT adoption. While there are certainly benefits of LGBT or same-sex adoption for children, any perceived “disadvantages” are typically personal biases and not founded on any measurable data.
Ready to Grow Your Family?
LGBT Adoption Means a World of Love, Care, and Kindness
As we work toward a more accepting and tolerant world, the advantages of LGBT families seem evident. Children with LGBT adoptive parents enjoy the same safety, stability, comfort, and unconditional love as children from other backgrounds. They also benefit from a more open view of diversity, meaning that children raised in LGBT adoptive families are quicker to connect and celebrate others from different backgrounds, whether that means other sexual orientations or cultural, racial, or religious backgrounds.