Sharon Ahmann
Founder & Adoptive Mother
Sharon is the mother of three children through adoption. After suffering through seven miscarriages, she and her husband turned to adoption to start their family. In 1988, their prayers were answered with the adoption of their daughter Lauren. About 11 months later, another miracle occurred when Lauren’s biological sister Jennifer was born, and it was God's plan that she also join Sharon’s family. In 1999, Sharon and her husband adopted their son, Matthew, at birth, thus completing their beautiful family. Sharon has an extensive background in marketing and advertising, which has been very beneficial in the world of adoption. Her warm and caring nature is a true gift when working with birthmothers and adoptive families. Sharon is very active in adoption advocacy support groups and church organizations. Helping to place a baby in his or her adoptive parents' arms has become her life’s mission.
I support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Misericordia, Make a Wish Foundation, and Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association