Maggie Steiner
Assistant Director
Maggie joins LifeLong Adoptions with a passion for working in adoption. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology with a concentration in Human Services. Her previous experience involves working for an organization where she advocated and empowered children and their families. With her experience and empathetic nature, she is a valuable asset to our team. In her free time, she enjoys playing board games, watching movies, and spending time with family and friends.
Download My ProfileQ&A with Maggie
What do you do at LifeLong?
I am an Assistant Director and an Adoptive Parent Coordinator at LifeLong. I help walk families through their adoption journey and support them the best I can.
When did you join the LifeLong team?
I was overjoyed to join the team in November of 2019!
What motivates you to get up and go to work?
I absolutely LOVE what I do! I find my job to be so fulfilling. There are so many heartwarming aspects of my job and I love being able to see families grow!
What is your favorite inspirational, motivational, or positive-thinking quote?
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." — Eleanor Roosevelt
What's your personal connection to adoption?
While I do not have a personal connection to adoption, I have been drawn to working in adoption since I was young!
What advice do you have for our waiting families?
Always keep the faith. I truly believe when everything's meant to happen, it will.
What is your favorite family tradition?
My favorite family tradition is going camping every year. My family has been going to the same campground since I was two years old. As our families have grown, the group has expanded and I love being able to share those memories with my loved ones.
What do you like to do on your days off?
I love being with my family and friends. Whether I am playing games, getting food, or just talking with them, it is always a great time!
What is one thing you cannot resist?
Portillo's Cheese Fries
What music is on your most-played list?
Anything by Fleetwood Mac!
What's your favorite TV show to binge-watch?
The Office