Kalei Britos
Birthmother Coordinator
Kalei was thrilled to permanently join the LifeLong Adoptions team following her summer internship with the company. Having grown up in a family that was touched by adoption, Kalei understands the true meaning of family and all the joy that adoption brings. With a bachelor's degree from Illinois State University in human development and family science, Kalei found LifeLong to be a perfect path to achieve her passion of helping and advocating for children and families. Kalei’s strong educational background, previous experience working with children and families, and empathetic nature help her play a valuable role here at LifeLong Adoptions.
Q&A with Kalei
What do you do at LifeLong?
I provide support for expectant mothers and birthmothers as they navigate adoption. I help create a safe space for them to explore their options and express themselves without judgment or pressure, connect them to resources, and advocate for them and their needs.
When did you join the LifeLong team?
I joined the LifeLong team in June of 2019.
What motivates you to get up and go to work?
I have a huge passion for what I do and our incredibly selfless and brave expectant mothers. Every day, I look forward to building connections with them, ensuring they have the right information that they need to make a decision, and just being there for them during a difficult time.
What is your favorite inspirational, motivational, or positive-thinking quote?
"Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person's life." — Jackie Chan
What's your personal connection to adoption?
Having family members who are adopted, I've seen the joy and love that it brings. My love for adoption has just continued to grow working with both adoptive parents and expectant mothers. I've seen the amazing impact that it makes and I love the connections that I build with expectant moms!
What advice do you have for our waiting families?
Trust the process and our team at LifeLong! Lean into the opportunities that you navigate with an expectant mother without putting any expectations on her and what your relationship with her will look like. It's important to move at the expectant mother's pace and be sensitive to her needs and her situation.
When are you happiest?
I'm the happiest when I'm around friends and family.
What is one thing you cannot resist?
Pizza and sweets!!!!
What are you proudest of?
Being the first person in my immediate family to graduate with a degree.
What music is on your most-played list?
Alternative music and artists like Tame Impala and Tash Sultana have been my most-played lately.
What's your favorite TV show to binge-watch?
The Office & Friends