Blog// For Birthmothers

Information for Birthfathers

Pregnant Woman

There is a common misconception in today’s society that birthfathers have less rights than birthmothers do. But, the truth is that they are able to make the choices regarding their baby. Birthfathers have the same right to parent a child and the same legal right as birthmothers. Of course, the laws about birthfather rights differ widely from state to state. Many adoptions take place listing unknown birthfathers, but there are also birthfathers who are involved in the decision and they want to know some basic information about the adoption process.

What birthfathers might want to know about the adoption...

  • Adoption requires the consent of both parents. It’s important to understand that each state has different laws and requirements about birthfather adoption legal rights and responsibilities. Adoption agencies could help you speak with an attorney if you have any questions about laws in your state or adoption legal rights.
  • When a father is aware of the plan to adopt, the best thing to do is to talk to a birthmother and decide what their next step is together. It takes courage to realize that you might not be in a place to provide a child with an ideal life and agree to the adoption.
  • In many states, prospective fathers can register their pre-birth consent to an adoption. This makes the situation easier for everyone involved in the process, especially in cases of an open adoption.
  • When birthparents start to work with an adoption social worker, they are encouraged to take as much time as the need to decide what’s in the best interest of their child. If you’re not sure about the type of adoption you want to pursue, your social worker can give you advice and provide you with useful books or information.
  • The adoption worker also needs to ask you some questions about your family history, medical record, and some personal information about you. Questions will vary depending on the type of adoption, but it’s better to get prepared.

Each family’s journey through adoption is unique. Adoption is definitely a life-changing decision, but you can make it less stressful if you communicate openly with a birthmother. It is going to be hard and emotional, and full of ups and downs so you need to prepare yourself emotionally for this journey. Luckily, there are many support groups and counseling programs to help birthparents before and after the placement. Keep in mind, that the foundation of adoption is open communication, so try to arrange as many things as possible before the adoption finalization. There are also other birthparents who have been through the same, so you can contact them if you have any concerns and questions about the adoption process.


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