You are pregnant and you have decided to place your baby for adoption. OK - take a deep breath. You have just taken the first step in the biggest decision a young mother could make. We understand this decision was not easy, but we are here to hold your hand as we guide you through the process.
Now that you have decided to place your baby for adoption, there is a road ahead. What should you think about - and what are the next steps?
Visit Your Doctor
Whether placing a baby for adoption or deciding to parent, visiting your doctor or OBGYN specialist is the first step in any pregnancy. This visit can help you understand how your pregnancy is progressing and how to properly care for yourself and your baby. Use this visit to ask any questions you have about pregnancy, and share your medical history as well as any medications you are currently taking (if any) with your doctor. Additionally, this visit will help you prepare a medical history workup - which will be requested upon moving forward with the adoption.
Contact an Adoption Coordinator
Even if you have not 100% decided to place your baby for adoption, contacting an adoption coordinator like LifeLong Adoptions is a great way to weigh your options. Our staff of adoption professionals will help you make an adoption plan and discover your needs during your pregnancy. Our adoption coordinators will explain the adoption process to you and provide you with all the information you need to make a decision. Should you ever have a question or need immediate assistance, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including all holidays) to support birthmothers.
Create an Adoption Plan
From choosing an adoptive family all the way to the delivery room, LifeLong Adoptions will help you create an adoption plan that is right for you. We understand that finances are a big issue for expectant mothers, and we can offer free assistance with living expenses, housing and other pregnancy related needs, along with directing you to counseling services if needed. We can also help you create a delivery plan, including choosing a hospital and who will accompany you.
Choose Your Adoption Type
Placing a baby for adoption has its options - one of them being the type of adoption you choose. The most common adoption types are open adoption and closed adoption. Closed adoption is conducted completely anonymously, with no ongoing contact with the adoptive family or child after placement. An open adoption is one that allows identifying information to be shared between both parties, along with phone calls, emails, in person visits and a degree of ongoing contact after placement. Your adoption coordinator will discuss both options with you in detail.
Choose an Adoptive Family
This is the fun part! While choosing an adoptive family to raise your baby is a huge decision, it can also be enjoyable. Looking through adoptive parent profiles gives you the opportunity to choose a family that best depicts your own wants and dreams for your child. You do not have to choose the adoptive family, but many birthmothers enjoy learning about the family that will parent their child. LifeLong Adoptions works closely with adoptive parents to create profiles that illustrate their hobbies, lifestyle, home, interests and more, and these are all available to you on our waiting families page.
There is no unplanned pregnancy that is too early or too late. If you are pregnant, adoption is an option. Start your adoption journey with LifeLong Adoptions, a team that is passionate about making baby adoption a joyous experience for birthmothers and adoptive parents alike.