Over the years, we've cultivated a robust network of trusted adoption service professionals to refer our adoptive families and birth parents to. This series features Q&As with a few of our referrals from across the country.
What is your title & specialty?
I am a Partner and Chair of Family Formation Practice Group at Fox Rothschild LLP.
What areas do you serve?
I am licensed in North Carolina. My practice is domestic adoptions, international adoptions, and assisted reproductive technology matters.
What do you like most about what you do?
I love helping families grow and serving women and children in need. I feel like I am able to make a difference most days.
What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?
I have four kids, so my free time is very family focused. My kids are involved in all sorts of activities, from art classes to karate to all the sports, so we stay busy!
What advice do you have for prospective adoptive parents?
Be honest and open. Remember that the child isn’t your child until the adoption is completed, and always treat the expectant mother with respect and dignity. This is her journey first and foremost, and you are being invited along. Find professionals you trust and who share your views on adoption. Never be afraid to ask questions.
What's your most memorable or rewarding moment from working in adoption?
I recently represented an adopting family at a contested adoption hearing. The judge was so compassionate and respectful to everyone. The way he managed the process gave the parties the opportunity to trust one another and the birthfather gave his consent. It was beautiful, and every single person present was in tears by the end.
Do you have a personal connection to adoption?
I have two amazing children through adoption – one was adopted internationally and the other was adopted domestically. I also experienced failed adoptions. I really relate to families in this process and understand how bittersweet adoption always is.